The Time is Now
Get on-board to enhance neurovascular care and strengthen best practices with comprehensive data you won’t find elsewhere.
Your journey to exceptional patient care starts here.
Clinical registries have become essential for quality improvement, with the NeuroVascular Quality Initiative-Quality Outcomes Database (NVQI-QOD) regarded as the premier neurovascular registry among the medical community.
At NVQI-QOD, we equip physicians with critical patient data on stroke and intracranial cerebrovascular diseases—a mission that has only gained momentum since our inception in 2013. Given our invaluable insights, robust reporting functionality, and genuine commitment to validated real-world data, our users include many top medical centers and device manufacturers in North America—and we encourage you to join them.

An increasingly powerful tool—in data, insight, and opportunity.
Procedures Captured
Participating Centers
States Represented
Total Patients